The Great Old Ones Gaming: Episode #7- Black Stars Rise, again...

The Great Old Ones Gaming: Episode #7- Black Stars Rise, again...

Patreon business:

The first Charnel lord has entered among the ranks of our worshipers, Robert Bout, thank you so much for your support! Our random patron shout out this episode goes out to SolarJ! He had the idea to book club with us and fellow patrons, which we loved! We decided to start with Gareth Hanrahan's “The Gutter Prayer”, the first in the black iron legacy series. we have yet to set a date for the first book club meeting but I think we're gonna shoot for once a month meetings. If you're interested in joining in on the fun, join the discord for more info.

We're well on our way to our first stretch goal of setting up monthly game sessions with out patrons. In order to hype up this goal, Vase will be running a game of Delta Green this month, which we plan on recording and uploading for you guys to check out, so stay tuned!

 Nate will be at Necronomicon this year, so if you're going to be there, come by and say hi! He'll be demoing the Arkham LCG Friday and running the Eternal Slumber Saturday. For more info you can check out the necronomicon website 

 Episode #7 Show Notes:

 Arkham Horror: Final Hour announcement.
  Murder at the Excelsior hotel revealed. Mythos Busters' own Nicholas Kory co-designed a standalone scenario for Arkham LCG. 

With the Return to the Path to Carcosa nearly here, the Great Old Ones discuss their hopes for the upcoming box set.
 Now that we've had a chance to try the taboo list out, we wanted to share our thoughts with you and discuss potential targets for future updates to the taboo list.

 The Festival fan made scenario for Arkham LCG: by Matthew Heiti
 Mattatrophics YouTube channel:
 Cocktails of Carcosa:

NecronomiCON 2019: A truly unique experience!

NecronomiCON 2019: A truly unique experience!

Arkham News Round-up: July, 2019

Arkham News Round-up: July, 2019