The Great Old Ones Gaming

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The Great Old Ones: Episode 1- The stars are right

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The Great Old Ones Podcast: Episode 1- The stars are right... The Great Old Ones Gaming

Hello Everyone and Welcome! Join me, Nate (Lost in time and Space), Cameron (The man from Leng), and Vasile (Innkeeper) in our first episode of "The Great Old Ones", A podcast about Arkham Horror: The card game. We apologize for the technical difficulties we experienced in the first 15 minutes or so, but it shouldn’t detract from your overall listening experience. If you have any thoughts on how we can improve the cast, please let us know! Thank you all so much for listening!

Show Notes:

Horrorbabble YT Channel:

Russian YT with lovecraftian movies:

The DocLeo Diana Stanley deck mentioned in the Mythos phase of the episode:

Vanessa con Blanco fan-made Investigator mentioned during the Investigator phase of the episode:

Twisted Tentacle Inn's video for the Vanessa cards:

Arkham in Flames announcement and information regarding the event, mentioned during the upkeep phase:

LiTaS Reviews-The Fall of Delta Green: