Arkham News Round-up: February 2019
The Sinking City
Investigating in Oakmont…
Game Studio Frogwares has been hard at work preparing for the release of their upcoming title “The Sinking City” and yesterday gave us a new glimpse into the game. Along with this new game play footage, the developer explains their thought process that went into the design choices for the sinking city. It's rare, and refreshing to see developers and publishers have such integrity behind their work in the modern video game market. The Sinking City is set to be released March 21st of this year for PS4, Xbox 1 and PC. Link to the trailer here:
Pelgrane publishing, the company behind Night's black agents, Trail of Cthulhu and The fall of Delta Green, has released PDF's of a scenario anthology for Cthulhu confidential. “EVEN DEATH CAN DIE features nine twisting, turning, adventures in a world both hardboiled and cosmically horrific.” Cthulhu Confidential uses the Gumshoe 1-2-1 system, an adaption of the original gumshoe system for 1 GM and a sole investigator. For those not familiar, GUMSHOE, developed by Robin D. Laws, was designed for running investigative, clue gathering games. The rest of blurbs on the product page are brief synopsis' of the cases inside this product. The evocative art style and noir setting are enough for me to be curious. Physical copies of this book are expected to see print in autumn of this year.
The Yellow King.
Yellow King RPG sees printing errors…
While the original kickstarter for the Yellow King RPG started back in march of 2017, This product has unfortunately run into quote “serious issues with the YKRPG printers” Updates on kickstarter suggest backers received PDF copies of the product back in december of last year, with physical copies likely not shipping until March 29th. I do find it amusing that RPG based around the king in yellow saw printing errors but in all seriousness, I really appreciate the level of transparency Pelgrane has taken with these issues and hopefully they can get them ironed out soon. An update to their official website states that this product is heading to the printers so hopefully we'll be able to see this product soon!
With the Circle Undone now in full swing, FFG revealed the 5th mythos pack in this campaign cycle. In the clutches of chaos follows the events of the previous mythos pack to see the state of arkham in continued decay.” Breaches in reality begin to rip through the fabric of the Earth, and a faint melody of discordant pipes can be heard throughout the streets of Arkham.” The article continues by showcasing the scenario's core mechanics. Breaches, represent the forces of the mythos taking over the city, and it's up to the investigators to stop these breaches from spreading. Should they fail however, and 3 breach tokens accumulate on a location, they must resolve an Incursion at that location. An Incursion adds doom to the location and causes the breaches to spread, potentially setting off a chain reaction.
The article concludes by giving us a glimpse at some powerful new player cards included in this mythos pack. I’m going to save discussing these exciting new cards in a future post.
Arkham Chronicle's series #AllYellowAllTheTime ends with a bang. Lead Designer and Marketing Writer for the Arkham Horror LCG, Matt Newman and Brooke Robison respectively, build a level 0 deck for the newly released seeker Joe Diamond to complete this community event. It was an honor to be a part of this project, thanks to everyone who contributed to this series. AYATT iron man of TFA at Arkham Nights this year?!
Final Thoughts:
February, while sparse in physical releases for mythos gamers, felt like the calm before the storm, so to speak. With many product releases just around the corner, now is a great time to be a mythos fan. I want to hear from you though, which of these products are you most excited for? Was there any important story you felt I missed? Would you like to see game play on this site, and if so what games? Share your thoughts down in the comments below.