In this episode, Hosts Nate, Nathan, Vase, and the Man from Leng discuss the recently announced Arkham LCG campaign, The Feast of Hemlock Vale
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In this episode, Hosts Nate, Nathan, Vase, and the Man from Leng discuss the recently announced Arkham LCG campaign, The Feast of Hemlock Vale
Hosts Nate and Vase continue their deep dive into the second campaign released for Delta Green, Iconoclasts.
The stars are right once again…
Hosts Nate and Vase begin their deep dive into the second campaign released for Delta Green, Iconoclasts.
The Stars are right once again
We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season! Hosts Nate and Vase start 2023 off with another Delta Green operation review, this time with Operation: BLACKSAT
In this episode, Nate, Vase, And Man from Leng, head to the ball room to review Call of Cthulhu’s most recent setting guide, Regency Cthulhu
Vase has returned after a hiatus to discuss our thoughts on the recent taboo list and our hopes for future scenario design in the Arkham Horror LCG
First conspiracy, now espionage?!
When Cthulhu calls, we answer.
In this episode of the show, the guys get a chance to sit down and speak with prolific Arkham Horror LCG content creator, The Beard.